Key IP regularly counsels clients on strategic issues concerning protection of their trade secrets. Our attorneys have assisted clients in auditing their trade secret protection protocols, developed strategies for identifying and protecting trade secrets, and draft manuals and agreements for implementation of protection protocols. Our attorneys have also written and spoken on elements of trade secret law including the provisions of the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act, which extends the right to bring a trade secret misappropriation action in the U.S. to acts occurring outside the U.S.
Key IP represents clients in asserting claims of trade secret misappropriation in U.S. federal and state courts. See below for a representative list of the matters we have handled.
Exemplary Matters
Trade Secrets
Falken Industries, LLC v. Walsh (E.D. Va) (co-counsel representing plaintiff in matter involving trademark infringement, copyright infringement and trade secret misappropriation)
Real Time Cases v. Levy (Va. State Court) (represented plaintiff in breach of contact and trade secret misappropriation matter)
RoyaltyStat v. IntangibleSpring (D. Md.) (represented plaintiff in copyright and trade secret misappropriation matter)